ecobas 3r


More than 85% of the Chilean industry discharges the liquid industrial waste directly to the sewer system. This action leads to serious environment pollution affecting the system with sediment, residuals, silt and sand embedding obstructing the flow; formation of corrosive, toxic, explosive fumes and gas pollutants interfering with biological treatment of sewage, amongst other potential public and environment hazards. The SOLID WASTE in both, are deposited in authorized landfills and illegal dumps.

Considering the negative impact to our environment and our society,  increasingly sensitive to the WASTE topic, at Ecobas 3R we strive to develop and promote adequate information so the members of the community may learn and understand all about the benefits they will obtain if they take part in our Integral Recycling Program. Reducing environment impact in the productive line will enhance the socio and environmental relationship within the company as well as with the consumer. 

Ecobas 3R performs studies of environmental impact and offers cost-effective solutions to waste management problems, providing the required technology to waste minimization and treating residuals in order to meet with a clean production environment process and a positive company, brand or public image.