ecobas 3r


Ecobas 3R promotes recycling in Chile, being pioneers in structuring, advising and managing an Integral Program Handling Inorganic Waste Products within a Chilean community which was implemented in 1993 in La Reina, one of the 25 counties of Santiago.

Since the very beginning, our main goal has always been to introduce and support social and productive behavior changes in a community, offering our unique and multidisciplinary services, which would benefit the environment generating recycling awareness in industries as well as residential areas.

Ecobas 3R has incorporated environmental issues in areas such as education, training, communication tools, production and marketing when handling residential waste as well as industrial waste products.

Ecobas 3R offers sound advice to several industries and companies and Municipalities, thus a close bond of confidence has been established with public and private sector.

Ecobas 3R
 is developing activities addressed to the industry, commercial business and Municipalities providing a variety of products and services:

  • Developing research, consulting, Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management.

  • Operative Management of waste in Municipalities and industries

  • Offering technology and machinery for a clean production 

  • Environmental Recycling Education Presentations and Training Programmes.

  • Developing environmental events and Corporative Green Marketing.


The program received the Environment National Award in 1999 due to the contribution of Environmental Management within the productive sector.